Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Is Communication? Week 1

When I think of excellent communicators I envision my IEP meetings that I conduct so very often.   I know exactly who demonstrates competent communication.  The Occupational Therapist that I work is very articulate, knowledgeable and has a great demeanor. He is an effective communicator because he is able to literally back up each comment or suggestion with research. This really helps when we are in meetings with Parents who are very concerned about their child because he is able to share so much information with them. He also is very personable with each set of parents that we work with and strives to make connections with each of them.  Being calm is another way he is an effective communicator, he can quickly shift the meeting from a heated one to a happy one.  I feel that he is so knowledgeable about our field that he is able to back up everything he says.  I would like to model my own communication behaviors after him.  I can get flustered and stumble over my words and I wish that I could remember research that I have read so that I can share it in a meeting. 

I also think that being a competent communicator takes time and with each meeting I get better at communicating my thoughts and ideas.  Do you agree?

***Side note

Dr. Seuss' birthday is my absolute favorite (okay really it is Dr. Seuss week)! I love love reading all of his books to my students!   


My favorite quote! :)

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” - Dr. Seuss


  1. Your Occupation Therapist sounds like a great communicator. I think it is important to have versatility in order to return the environment back into its pleasant surrounding once it makes a turn for the worse. In addition, I am usually impressed when information is support by up to date research. I feel do agree that in order to become competent communicator it takes time. It just like anything else the more you work at it the better you get. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Abby,

    Parents and children need therapist like the one you describe to help them navigate the muddy waters of intervention! Parents are often overwhelmed by everything that is happening. They need people who can reassure them and share resources that back everything up. You're lucky to be working together!

    It's good to be in class with you again, I haven't "seen" you since our first couple of classes!


  3. Dr. Zeuss! YEAH!! He is a little much for my little ones yet. However, I quote him often and this gives the rhythm and rhyme of a master communicator!

    I also agree that a firm grip on the subject matter makes a clear road for communication. It makes the delivery more relaxed also because you don't have to be fearful of being asked something about which you know little about. I wonder if having resources at hand also aid the communication process.

    Thanks for you post.

  4. I have set in on an IEP and yes it is very important to have good communication because this is our children lives so yes you have to give the parents information and treat it like a sandwich some good and some bad but you must have good resolutions and utlize their feedback so the children goals will be met. Thanks for sharing
