Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 8- Reflecting on Communication in the Early Childhood Field

WOW! Can you believe that we only have three classes left? I am excited! I am thrilled that there were so many familiar faces/names throughout the last 7 classes.  It has made it easier to communicate and "get to know" people in our virtual classroom.  I think that our next classes will be great ones, for whatever specialized area you are going into.  I am going into Diversity... let me know if you are too! :) I hope that everyone has enjoyed our journey and realizes what an accomplishment going through school again is!  

I am sure most of you know, but I do teach special educaiton, specifically high needs.  I work towards inclusion will all of my students and if you ever have any information feel free to contact me! I super love my job and love to talk about strategies for working with children with extreme behaviors.  Here is my e-mail address feel free to contact me anytime...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 6 Adjourning

This week you read about the five stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Consider the adjourning phase for several of the groups in which you have been involved. Think about which aspects of the groups made for the hardest good-bye. Are high-performing groups hardest to leave? Groups with the clearest established norms? Which of the groups that you participated in was hardest to leave? Why? What sorts of closing rituals have you experienced or wish you had experienced? How do you imagine that you will adjourn from the group of colleagues you have formed while working on your master’s degree in this program? Why is adjourning an essential stage of teamwork?

Well, March has been a very interesting month.  I have kind of been on an emotional roller coaster.  I went from telling my school I was leaving (and I love my school) to deciding I was going to stay.  I have a unique classroom being that yes, I am the teacher of specially designed instruction but I work so closely with my Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapist, and Psychologist. When I told them I was going to leave we were all in tears.  I think that it was so hard to tell them that I was leaving is because we all shared the same vision and goals for all of our shared students.  So, I think that over the years we have established our performing stage and worked hard to solve problems together. But, I am no longer leaving so I get to save all my tears for something else. :) 

Also, when I was working with Camp Adventure on our last day we flew home to all around the United States and I wish there was some sort of Adjourning or reflection period.  I think that when you put so much into something you need to be able to reflect on what went well and what did not, it is important/essential stage of teamwork.

It will be odd not to be around our Master's peers, we are very connected working for the same goal.  When our program is over it will be harder to keep in contact with professionals from around the world and country.  I feel like it will be important for us to have some sort of closing farewells.  I am not sure what that will look like being that we are in a virtual world but I think that it is all something we should ponder!