Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 8- Reflecting on Communication in the Early Childhood Field

WOW! Can you believe that we only have three classes left? I am excited! I am thrilled that there were so many familiar faces/names throughout the last 7 classes.  It has made it easier to communicate and "get to know" people in our virtual classroom.  I think that our next classes will be great ones, for whatever specialized area you are going into.  I am going into Diversity... let me know if you are too! :) I hope that everyone has enjoyed our journey and realizes what an accomplishment going through school again is!  

I am sure most of you know, but I do teach special educaiton, specifically high needs.  I work towards inclusion will all of my students and if you ever have any information feel free to contact me! I super love my job and love to talk about strategies for working with children with extreme behaviors.  Here is my e-mail address feel free to contact me anytime...


  1. Abby,

    Thank you for your help with learning about autism. You were able to shed new light at a dark time. I am both happy and sad that we only have three classes left. Happy that we can move on and hopefully make some social changes but sad because I will be going back to work after staying at home with my daughter while I have been obtaining this degree. This has been a great learning experience! Good Luck to you in the future!


  2. Abby:
    I just wanted to write a thank you note to say without your help my blogs and discussion boards would not be successful. Plus, I would not be where I am today. I'm still working on this journey a few more months, and I will remember all my colleagues as my collaborating team. I'm very happy that we end this course reaching all the expected limits, and finally reach all we need to learn to continue in the early childhood field.

  3. Abby,
    This really has been an amazing experience and journey so far, I have enjoyed reading your discussions and what you have to say. It was great learning with you. I wish you the best in your journey. Thank you for sharing your Email contact with us.

  4. Abby,

    Thank you for your wisdom and insight throughout this course! I have enjoyed growing and learning with you. LouAnn Rhodes has set up a facebook page for our class. If you would like to join, send me a friend request. It's a closed group, we have to be friends so I can invite you to join. My facebook address is:!/profile.php?id=1345675567

    Good luck in your last few classes!

