Saturday, September 17, 2011

Zero to Three

I chose to look at the nonprofit organization Zero to Three because I wanted to learn more about the organization. Also, because I am a high needs special education teacher for kindergarten and first grade, about have my students cognitively are at a 9 month-3 years age range.  I feel like this website might give me more insight to brain development and more developmentally appropriate activities for some of my students.

Zero to Three strives to promote healthy development for infants and toddlers.  Their mission is to provide parents, policymakers and professionals with the training and support they need to help improve the lives of our youngest learners.

Check out the video on the front page of the website.  One person in the video I would like to highlight is Richard Atlas, the founder of Atlas Family Foundation.  He use to be a partner for Goldman Sachs and states, "... it became very evident and very early on that the highest return in investment is investing in very young children."  It was nice to see that a non-educational person it is able to see the value in our youngest children. 

One issue/trend that is being promoted was the how important play is to a child's development.  The website provides parents with information on how to play with their child and why play is so important.

Another highlight of the website is the download of the week.  It offers something educators could give to parents or educators can use for themselves. This week is healthy food development.  It is on the right hand side of the main page. 


  1. I love the Zero to Three website, its a great website that I have found to be my silent partner. Thank you for tip about the download of the week. I will get on board with this soon!!

  2. Abby,
    Good description of the website. I have used Zero to Three as a reference many times. Thank you for sharing the story about Richard Atlas. Wish more people shared his insight!
    I am impressed with the work you do as a special education teacher. Keep up the good work!

  3. Hi Abby,
    I also enjoy the Zero to Three site. It is a great resource for advocates, parents, and anyony in the ECE field who could benefit from great infomation about this age group! I think their means of providing resources and information to viewers via the download of the week is really creative and innovative. It gives viewers something to look forward to weekly, as well as allows for the sharing of information while promoting collaboration. For Healthy Start workers, or other professionals whom are out in the field providing direct services to children and families, it would be a great way to initiate the sometimes difficult issues facing them, and a non-judgmental way to address them.
