1. My mother is the most influential person in my life. I was the youngest of three and the only girl. We have always had a very strong relationship and as I have gotten older I really see how much of her is in me. My mother is a Preschool Coordinator in the county where I grew up. I spent my entire life at her preschool. I grew up in her teachers’ classrooms, her secretary’s desk and in her office. When I was younger I always thought that I would never be a teacher because I did not want to do student teaching and I did not want to do what my parents did. My mom never proposed the idea of being a teacher; she just let me figure it out on my own. This was possibly the best gift to me, she let me explore my options and before I graduated high school I knew that teaching special education was for me. I wanted to teach preschool high needs special education, exactly what my mom did. My mom is my guru. To me, she knows everything. She seems to help me more now more than ever. I continuously ask her for advice on how to handle behaviors, ideas for activities or even dealing with my staff. She has the most knowledge about Early Childhood and is my most used resource. I think that she is an incredible advocate for children and each day I hope that someday I will be as amazing as she is. As I get older we are more alike and more in sync with each other. I am beyond grateful for our strong relationship.

My Mama and Papa
2. My Daddy is so fantastic. My father was always the “yes” parent. Being his only daughter I got to participate in everything that my dad did. My dad was a special education teacher and then became an alternative high school principal. On top of his teacher duties he also ran apartment buildings and “flipped” houses in our little town. I grew up painting apartments and fixing up houses and because of him I turn into one handy gal. He is passionate in several areas of his life and showed me that you can love more than one type of work. My dad never sits down and I seemed to have inherited this from him, the busier I am the better I work.
Brother and I in Sofia, Bulgaria
3. My brother Kasey is my rock. Kasey is three years older than me but only two grade levels apart. We went to high school together and went to the same university. When we where in elementary school and high school we did not get along and after I graduated high school my parents sent me to the Czech Republic, where my brother was studying abroad. We spent several weeks traveling around Europe and bonding. Ever since then we have had a great relationship. My brother is the most intelligent person I have ever met. He has an amazing memory and remembers everything he hears. He served in the Peace Corp in Bulgaria and has just been accepted into graduate school at Tulane University. He has overcome great barriers in his life; he has dyslexia and is my inspiration. He showed me that having a barrier, such as not being able to read or write, means that you just figure out a different way to do things. I think about him often when I work with my students. If people did not see all of my brother’s abilities then he might not be where he is today. I carefully look at each of my students to find out everything that they are capable of.

This was taken our second summer. It has always been my favorite picture. All the kids!
Our first summer!
Last summer!
4. The College Campout Crew definitely in my microsystem. My parents are STILL friends with ALL their friends from college. Our crew consists of six families, 39 people and three generations. We are like family but different, what connects all of us is our love for each other. We have been camping for the last 22 years and our gathering are called “The College Campout.” We have bonded over campfire, sunburns, bug bites, banana boats and s’mores. There is this care that each of us share with everyone. There is this never-ending support we have for everyone in our group. It is a hard thing to explain our relationship but it is a endless love that we have for one another.

5. “W” or Winston my dog. Yes, sometimes people get too attached to their animals and yes, I am one of those people. Life to me is a life with animals. Before wanting to be a teacher I was determined to be a Veterinarian. Animals have always been a part of my life. I got Winston when I was in college right before my family dog died. I knew she was dying and I knew that I needed unconditional love. He is the most perfect living creature to me, and I swear he has the most personality I have ever seen in a dog. I made a good choice with him as he provides the best unconditional love, he is lazy and his favorite activity is snuggling. I feel lucky to be his Mama.